My name is Jonathon Thompson Beyond the dots in the title of this blog should lie the words "... and as long as I am noticing the Wren sing, I will not have cause to notice the cancer I fight every day.
This is my life as a cancer patient.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
In 2012, along with the cancer treatments, I conducted a project where I attempted to photograph every wildflower I could find through out the year. From March until November, I was usually driving around Pulaski County with my good friend Peggy Sherry in search of any new wild blooms. This book is the final product of that project.
What follows is not complete. I will complete the identification of every bloom shown in the book, then I will offer the book to whom every would like a copy. I will ask for a monetary donation in order to cover the printing costs, and then to help raise money for my remaining medical bills.