Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Camps of Belief - where will I camp tonight?

Photo by David Altmaier
Jonathon Livingston Seagull always believed.
Click to read the story

You know, it is all such a confusing prospect… Everybody I talk to on the cancer side of things, patients, doctors, nurses, cancer literature say that surviving (being completely cured) of my stage and type of cancer is rare. On the other hand, everybody on the faith and healing side of things are all absolutely certain that my total remission is certain and guaranteed in their hearts and minds.

Oddly or not, the camp of thought I generally agree with most is the one I’ve been spending the most time with.

When I am taking my treatments (three days every other week), I am in the infusion room with many other cancer patients…. Most of them are very helpful, happy and encouraging. But they are also honest, and being honest about this disease is often not something you want to listen to. The nurses and doctors are either non-committal, or brutally honest. Neither of which are very pleasant.

On the other hand, friends, family and mentors are all certain that I will defy the odds and live to be an old man. I spent the most time with this crowd. But is all still very confusing.

It is easy to understand how and why a cancer patient would and does waffle around in there own beliefs about their disease.


Kevin Miller said...

We experienced this when our oldest child...my son Caleb, went through so many surgeries and trials. We usually chose to be fools and have absolute hope. Even though knowing we can't expect to be exceptions. Some of the 'faithful' folks certain hope seems naive and juvenile in the face of possible fatality. They mean well, I'm sure. But we know the miracle isn't guaranteed for any reason. Still...we figured if we were going down, we'd do so being fools to the end...

Cindy said...

The NOT knowing is the hardest. Surrounding yourself with with those who choose to believe the most positive outcome will happen, well, there comes a peace with that.
That peace is what most of us want to hold on to as well as.......
My prayers are with you...